Author name: Yali Friedman

General Biotechnology

Strategic alliances as a mechanism for wealth creation in the biopharmaceutical industry: An empirical analysis of the Spanish case

This paper is part of the free Open Access archive of the Journal of Commercial Biotechnology
Strategic alliances as a mechanism for wealth creation in the biopharmaceutical industry: An empirical analysis of the Spanish case
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General Biotechnology

Market Orientation, Alliance Orientation, and Business Performance in the Biotechnology Industry

The purpose of this study was to test the unexplored relationship between market orientation (MO), alliance orientation (AO), and business performance (PERF) in the medical/healthcare subsector of the Canadian biotechnology industry.  The study surveyed Canadian biotechnology executives via mail and web-based questionnaires.  It was found that the relationship between MO and PERF was positive and significant and the relationship between AO and PERF was positive and significant.  It was also found that the relationship between MO and AO was positive and significant, supporting the existence of a mediation relationship.  Specifically, MO’s influence on PERF was found to be fully mediated by AO.  This suggests that Canadian medical/healthcare biotechnology companies that were highly market-oriented were also highly alliance-oriented, and highly alliance-oriented companies were top performing companies.  This study outlines the apparent sequential relationship between market-oriented behavioural commitments, alliance-oriented activities, and business performance outcomes among Canadian biotechnology companies.  Furthermore, it has business development and the commercialization process implications for biotechnology managers.

Market Orientation, Alliance Orientation, and Business Performance in the Biotechnology Industry Read Post »

General Biotechnology

Canadian Venture Capital – Unlocking the Funding Challenge

Canada plays a significant role in the global advancement of scientific discoveries and their translation into commercial opportunities, but is viewed as not fully realizing its commercial potential. A significant problem has been a lack of sufficient venture capital to take early-stage companies to the next level. Several recent developments may signal the arrival of a more positive venture-funding environment for life sciences and health technology enterprises, including the development of the Canadian government’s C$400 million Venture Capital Action Plan; pharmaceutical companies electing to establish or investing in venture funds and providing strategic support to early-stage ventures, including through the creation of research centres; and recent successful liquidity events for venture investors.

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