Carnival of Biotechnology

Welcome to the June 25th 2007 edition of Carnival of Biotechnology.

Finance and business development has a great post on 25 alternatives to venture capital — too many entrepreneurs assume that venture capital is the de facto way to fund a company, when there are many other avenues they should be exploring.

Industry Trends
As big pharma Abbott plans a spinoff to make generic drugs, biotech giant Amgen is doing the opposite. They’re buying two small-molecule drugmakers.

The”>Patent Baristas report on a report asking Do Authorized Generics Deter Paragraph IV Certifications? Authorized generics are generic drugs sold indirectly through branded drug developers — effectively allowing innovators to compete with generics. A generic drug producer who successfully challenges an innovator’s patent is granted 180 days of marketing exclusivity under a paragraph IV certification. Because innovators can indirectly compete with generics through authorized generics (confused yet), the question at hand is: does this tactic discourage generic drug producers from challenging innovator patents in search of a 180-day marketing exclusivity?

Generic Pharmaceuticals & IP has an interesting post on a drug which was approved, but not being launched

Pharmalot has a report from Paraxel, suggesting that India is lagging as a site for clinical trials. By assessing the country of residence of clinical trial investigators, they suggest that running clinical trials in India is not as prevalent as often suggested.

Pharmalot has a great post questioning Boston’s proposed $1 billion 10-year commitment to biotech: B is for Boston, biotech and also boondoggle

That concludes this edition.
For more information, see the Carnival of Biotechnology Homepage, or submit a link for the next edition. Interested in hosting a future Carnival of Biotechnology? Let me know.

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