
General Biotechnology, Insights

Affordability and availability of off-patent drugs in the United States—the case for importing from abroad: observational study

This article was originally published by Ravi Gupta, Thomas J Bollyky, Matthew Cohen, Joseph S Ross, and Aaron S Kesselheim  in BMJ 2018;360:k831 under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC…
The post Affordability and availability of …

Affordability and availability of off-patent drugs in the United States—the case for importing from abroad: observational study Read Post »

General Biotechnology, Guest content, Insights

Estimated costs of production and potential prices for the WHO Essential Medicines List

This article was originally published by Andrew M Hill, Melissa J Barber, and Dzintars Gotham in BMJ Global Health Jan 2018, 3 (1) e000571 under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. Abstract Introduction There are persi…

Estimated costs of production and potential prices for the WHO Essential Medicines List Read Post »

Guest content, Insights

Decision-making in product portfolios of pharmaceutical research and development – managing streams of innovation in highly regulated markets

This article was originally published by Antti Jekunen in Drug Des Devel Ther. 2014; 8: 2009–2016 under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License. Abstract Decision-making is a core function…
The post Decision-makin…

Decision-making in product portfolios of pharmaceutical research and development – managing streams of innovation in highly regulated markets Read Post »

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