How a large biotechnology company teamed with a translation service provider to define best practices

According to the World Intellectual Property Organization, nearly 100,000 pharmaceutical and biotechnology patent applications are filed each year around the world, and the trend is increasing. These companies have very little room for error in the work they conduct each day. As a result, the translations of these patent applications need to be completely accurate, which requires a translation service provider who follows best practices. These best practices include centralized processes, highly specialized teams, quality control, terminology management and advanced technologies.

By following them, they will ultimately reduce office actions and litigation risks, as well as decrease time to grant. 

This case study will highlight how a large biotechnology company worked with their translation service provider to develop a series of best practices for the translations of their intellectual property, focused primarily on their patent applications. Readers will come away with an understanding of how their multinational enterprises can leverage these best practices to get improved quality, reduced time to grant and more filings for the budget.


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