How Biotechnology is Enhancing Water Management

Water management is a critical issue globally, with the increasing demand for clean water and the need to address the environmental impacts of wastewater treatment. Biotechnology has emerged as a vital tool in enhancing water management, offering innovative and sustainable solutions to mitigate the challenges faced by the water industry.

Mitigating Climate Change

Agricultural biotechnology plays a significant role in mitigating the causes and impacts of climate change. By developing drought-tolerant crops and heat-tolerant cattle, agricultural biotechnology helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhances adaptation to environmental changes. For instance, drought-tolerant corn is already being grown in drought-prone areas in the United States, and drought-tolerant wheat is approved for use in Argentina and Brazil.

Sustainable Water Purification

Biotechnology advancements have enabled significant progress in sustainable water purification. For example, researchers have developed a high-efficiency steam generator using organic materials like cellulose to purify and desalinate wastewater. This eco-friendly system uses a polymer that absorbs sunlight to assist with the water purification process.

Biological Water Treatment

Biological water treatment processes are generally less expensive and less energy-intensive than other methods. Microbial biotechnology has been used to remove chemical contaminants from water, and researchers are developing ways to draw excess carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere with trees and microbes.


Bioaugmentation, the practice of adding specialized microbial strains to enhance treatment performance, is a promising approach in wastewater treatment. This method helps biodegrade recalcitrant molecules and improves the efficiency of wastewater treatment systems. Bioaugmentation strategies are tailored to the specific conditions of a wastewater plant, making them more cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Enzyme Technology

Enzyme technology is being used to improve sludge management by drying out biomass in water more efficiently. This reduces costs and the use of polymers, which can pollute the environment. Enzymes also help anaerobic bacteria feed more quickly, producing methane that can be captured and used as a biogas.

Circular Economy

Biotechnology is driving the water purification industry towards a circular economy. Enzyme technology, specialized microbes, and bio-based filters all help minimize sludge and remove pollutants from water. This shift towards sustainable solutions is crucial in addressing the growing demand for clean water and reducing the environmental footprint of wastewater treatment.

Industry Experts Weigh In

“What’s exciting about this field is that you can move from an initial phase of ‘capture, concentrate, and destroy’ to the second phase of ‘capture, concentrate, and reuse’ when dealing with targeted capture of high industrial utility compounds.” – Hagemann

“Our fundamental belief is that in a world where we need to see more clean water, we need to address the issues that are arising as we see greater population density. Biotechnology should be able to play a role in helping to solve those problems.” – Hans Ole Klingenberg, VP Marketing, Industrial Biosolutions at Novozymes


Biotechnology is revolutionizing water management by providing sustainable and innovative solutions to address the challenges faced by the water industry. From mitigating climate change to enhancing water purification, biotechnology is playing a vital role in ensuring a cleaner and more sustainable future for our planet.

Pullquote: “Water treatment for us is a very interesting space. It’s obviously been around for decades and in itself is a biological process. And yet, there’s very little in terms of biological or biotechnology solutions. We treat water with chemistry.” – Hans Ole Klingenberg, VP Marketing, Industrial Biosolutions at Novozymes

  1. Cited Sources: USDA. (n.d.). Biotechnology and Climate Change. Retrieved from
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  3. Biotechnology essential for sustainable water purification. Retrieved from Water Tech Online. (2022).
  4. Biotechnology’s vital role for efficient and sustainable water purification. Retrieved from Labiotech. (2021).
  5. Biotech Drives the Water Purification Industry Towards a Circular Economy. Retrieved from
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