General Biotechnology, Insights

Addressing the challenge of high-priced prescription drugs in the era of precision medicine: A systematic review of drug life cycles, therapeutic drug markets and regulatory frameworks

This paper was originally published by Toon van der Gronde, Carin A. Uyl-de Groot, and Toine Pieters in PLoS ONE 12(8): e0182613 under a creative commons license. Abstract Context Recent public outcry…
The post Addressing the challenge of high-priced p…

Addressing the challenge of high-priced prescription drugs in the era of precision medicine: A systematic review of drug life cycles, therapeutic drug markets and regulatory frameworks Read Post »

General Biotechnology, Insights

The US Food and Drug Administration’s tentative approval process and the global fight against HIV

This paper was originally published by Harinder Singh Chahal, Jeffrey S Murray, Martin Shimer, Peter Capella, Ryan Presto, Mary Lou Valdez, and Peter G Lurie in Journal of the International AIDS…
The post The US Food and Drug Administration’s tentative…

The US Food and Drug Administration’s tentative approval process and the global fight against HIV Read Post »


Giving Drugs a Second Chance: Overcoming Regulatory and Financial Hurdles in Repurposing Approved Drugs As Cancer Therapeutics

This paper was originally published by J. Javier Hernandez, Michael Pryszlak, Lindsay Smith, Connor Yanchus, Naheed Kurji, Vijay M. Shahani and Steven V. Molinski in Front. Oncol., 14 November 2017 under a …
The post Giving Drugs a Second Chance: Overc…

Giving Drugs a Second Chance: Overcoming Regulatory and Financial Hurdles in Repurposing Approved Drugs As Cancer Therapeutics Read Post »

General Biotechnology, Insights

Improve Your Litigation Success, Predict Settlement Terms, and Write Better Patents by Analyzing Patent Challenges

Litigation related to drug patents, whether it be direct patent challenges, contract disputes, or other cases, can provide direct intelligence (through disclosures of competitive intelligence) or indirect intelligence through exposure…
The post Improve…

Improve Your Litigation Success, Predict Settlement Terms, and Write Better Patents by Analyzing Patent Challenges Read Post »

Guest content, Insights

Differences in rates of switchbacks after switching from branded to authorized generic and branded to generic drug products: cohort study

This paper was originally published by Rishi J Desai, Ameet Sarpatwari, Sara Dejene, Nazleen F Khan, Joyce Lii, James R Rogers, Sarah K Dutcher, Saeid Raofi, Justin Bohn, John Connolly, Michael A Fischer, Aaron S Kesselheim, and Joshua J Gagne in BMJ 2…

Differences in rates of switchbacks after switching from branded to authorized generic and branded to generic drug products: cohort study Read Post »

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