General Biotechnology

Canadian Venture Capital – Unlocking the Funding Challenge

Canada plays a significant role in the global advancement of scientific discoveries and their translation into commercial opportunities, but is viewed as not fully realizing its commercial potential. A significant problem has been a lack of sufficient venture capital to take early-stage companies to the next level. Several recent developments may signal the arrival of a more positive venture-funding environment for life sciences and health technology enterprises, including the development of the Canadian government’s C$400 million Venture Capital Action Plan; pharmaceutical companies electing to establish or investing in venture funds and providing strategic support to early-stage ventures, including through the creation of research centres; and recent successful liquidity events for venture investors.

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General Biotechnology

Building biotechnology in India – Drugs are not the answer

Ihave had the pleasure of participating in national forums on biotechnology development in diverse countries. A common theme I see is that emerging economies wish to develop ‘a biotechnology industry like the United States.’ I generally temper these ambitions by explaining that the United States does not have a biotechnology industry per se, but rather a handful of states have very strong biotechnology concentrations and many other states are still trying to build their domestic biotechnology industries. So the lesson for many emerging economies is to set ambitions at the US-state level rather than the US-national level. Furthermore, I also caution against aiming for drug development. Drug development is extremely expensive and risky—focusing on domestic agricultural or industrial biotechnology opportunities may be a better option.

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General Biotechnology

A maturing industry: Strategic patenting trends, US and academic dominance, and the global biotechnology landscape

This paper is part of the free Open Access archive of the Journal of Commercial Biotechnology
A maturing industry: Strategic patenting trends, US and academic dominance, and the global biotechnology landscape
Go to paperABSTRACT: Patent analytical da…

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