Scientific American Worldview rollout — 3pm today

WHAT: Fareed Zakaria, author, journalist and host of CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS, will moderate a discussion with G. Steven Burrill and industry leaders on the state of biotech hubs and innovation around the globe.  The panel will review the results and central themes of an annual study highlighting key international developments produced by Scientific American in cooperation with the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO).

The session will focus on comprehensive survey results from a newly published report entitled, Scientific American Worldview: A Global Biotechnology Perspective featuring the Worldview Scorecard, a country-by-country “innovation capacity” ranking. The 2010 Scientific American Worldview report will be available at the Convention and viewable online at

WHO: Keynote Fareed Zakaria, Ph.D.


G. Steven Burrill, Burrill & Company

Nancy T. Chang, Ph.D., OrbiMed Advisors

Jose V. ‘Zito’ Sartarelli, Ph. D., Johnson & Johnson (Fmr)

James P. Sullivan, Ph.D., Abbott


Bruce Brandfon, VP Publisher, Scientific American

Marc de Garidel, Vice-President, South Region, Amgen International

James C. Greenwood, President CEO, BIO

WHEN: The session will be held today, 3:00-4:30 pm

WHERE: Vista Ballroom, McCormick Place

For more information on Scientific American Worldview, please visit

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